Digital learnng, Informal learning, Personal Learning Networks, social media, Twitter

January 2015 #pdale Teacher Twitter Challenge

  As many of you know when I was taking my master's degree I learned so many things that changed my entire philosophy of education.  Learning from people like Alec Couros and Dean Shareski opened my ideas to many ideas that I had never even thought of before.  My first experience in an open education course… Continue reading January 2015 #pdale Teacher Twitter Challenge

21 century learning, Digital learnng, Personal Learning Networks

Being Connected No Longer an Option

Most people who know me know that I am passionate about engaging students with technology. Not technology for the sake of using it, but rather technology because we can and because we should and because and when it just makes sense.  My view on educational pedagogy totally changed a few years ago when I took my Masters… Continue reading Being Connected No Longer an Option