21 century learning, Administration, Blogging, digital citizenship, Growth Mindset, Innovation, Innovative Mindset, Passions, Principals, Students, Teaching

Time to Quit Coddling

I am writing this as I come off the "conference high."  You know the feeling you get after you attend a big conference and hear a very motivating speaker that inspires you and speaks to your passions? That is where I am right now after listening to George Couros at the IT Summit in Saskatoon.… Continue reading Time to Quit Coddling

Administration, Growth Mindset, Leadership, Questioning, Teaching, Time Management

What is Innovation Anyway?

I have learned so many things since becoming a school administrator 8 years ago.  One of the most important lessons that I have learned is to respect the reality that teachers are all at different places in developing their craft.  They are certainly at a different comfort level with using technology and with reaching out… Continue reading What is Innovation Anyway?

Parents, Principals, Teamwork

5 Things I hope Our Parents Know

One of the things that I have learned over my years as a teacher and school administrator is the importance of parents and home support in the success of children.  I spend a great deal of time thinking and reflecting on the things we do, in the hopes of improving home school communication and relationships. … Continue reading 5 Things I hope Our Parents Know

Administration, Students, Teaching

Creating a Blueprint for Learning

I spent some time yesterday at our school professional development day talking with part of my staff about possible changes we could make to our timetable to accommodate more projects, more cross-curricular connections and more blocks of uninterrupted time with our students. I am very lucky to have an innovative staff that always works hard to do what… Continue reading Creating a Blueprint for Learning

Positive Thinking, Principals, Teaching

Designing My Own Life Plan

It is amazing what a break can do for attitude and rejuvenation. It has been a stressful fall term for a number of reasons, but sometimes I think I can get caught up in a circle of negativity that can be difficult to break. Having the opportunity to remove myself from the school over break… Continue reading Designing My Own Life Plan

Administration, Principals, Students, Teaching

My Attitude Adjustment

Every week my brain gets fixated on one topic that I just can't quite seem to get off my mind.  This week's topic seems to be how to let go of the things we cannot control.   After another long week filled with office visits, parent communication (not always supportive or positive) and meetings, my general attitude… Continue reading My Attitude Adjustment

Administration, Principals

Week in the Life of a Principal-Day 4

Thursday, November 14 7:00- I came out this morning to rain which seems weird considering I live in Saskatchewan, Canada and it should be snowing.  I arrived at the school with the usual things on my mind. I wanted to get my day organized, work through the emails that I had ignored at the end of… Continue reading Week in the Life of a Principal-Day 4

Administration, Principals

Week in the Life of a Principal-Day 3

Wednesday, November 13 7:10- I arrive at school knowing that I have a bit of work to do on my sub plan for today, I send out some emails, sign out computer carts for my sub and finish finding the books we were requested to take to our administration meeting today.  I also needed to touch base… Continue reading Week in the Life of a Principal-Day 3