
How safe is too safe?

http://www.freedigitalphotos.net I recently started a blogging project with the grades 4/5 class in my school and  I was intent on protecting them and keeping them safe from the outside world.  I went to a lot of work to set up the site so all of their posts and comments run through my gmail account and… Continue reading How safe is too safe?

21 century learning, on-line learning, open eductation

Open Education, Are we ready or are we being left behind?

Once again, I walked away from my computer last Tuesday feeling full and over flowing with new ideas and information.  I can't help but sharing my experiences with my staff at school, especially my principal.  We are in close quarters, so she gets to hear it whether she wants to or not. I can't say… Continue reading Open Education, Are we ready or are we being left behind?