Blogging, Digital learnng, on-line learning

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!

Wow, I can't believe that I am writing my final blog post for ECI 831.  One thing we can count on is time traveling quickly.  As I am contemplating what I have learned in my journey this term, it occurred to me that I have moved from not knowing how to set up a blog… Continue reading You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!

21 century learning, Blogging, on-line learning

Am I Learning New Technology or New Language?

According to our speaker last night, Stephen Downes,... what we are really needing are not 21st century skills necessarily, but 21st century languages.  Hmmm...that was some more food for thought for this already well fed brain.  Stephen went on to give a presentation that was full of somewhat complicated ideas and information.  One thought that… Continue reading Am I Learning New Technology or New Language?


How safe is too safe? I recently started a blogging project with the grades 4/5 class in my school and  I was intent on protecting them and keeping them safe from the outside world.  I went to a lot of work to set up the site so all of their posts and comments run through my gmail account and… Continue reading How safe is too safe?

21 century learning, Uncategorized

Having fun with blogging!

I have been having such fun this week blogging with a group of very enthusiastic elementary students in my school.  I happened to see a class project they were working on laying on my principal's desk one day.  It was a paper "blog" about things that were going on their classroom.  I immediately saw an… Continue reading Having fun with blogging!