Administration, IMMOOC, Innovation, Innovative Mindset, Leadership, Personal Learning Networks, Technology Integration

How Do I KNOW?

The title of this blog post is a reaction to a very interesting and motivating chat I was part of this morning.  I drag my butt out of bed every Saturday morning before 7:30, throw some coffee on and join #leadupchat because I am so inspired by the conversation and the people who gather there.… Continue reading How Do I KNOW?

Administration, IMMOOC, Innovation, Innovative Mindset, Passions

Spreading the News!

One of the things that I have always been frustrated with is my inability to express the passion I have for innovation in education.  I can remember the first time my eyes were opened to new educational ideas while taking my Master's Degree and taking a course by Alex Couros.  I felt way beyond my… Continue reading Spreading the News!